SEO Case Study
Medical Spa
From 0 visitors to ~300/mo for medical spa in major U.S. market (Can't use the name of the injectable; it starts with a "B" and is made by Allergan)

for “B—x + city” in major U.S. market
Keywords ranking on page 1
unique monthly visitors to the “B—x” page from Google
This is a medical spa in a market with a population of roughly 3 million.
They had previously worked with another agency that specializes in marketing for medical spas, but they never managed to get the website ranking anywhere near page 1 for injectables.
- A review of the blog showed lots of blogs getting 0 clicks; upon closer inspection, we found that many were of questionable quality.
- The navigation was also unnecessarily complex, which was likely diluting the link equity flowing to the B—x page.
- No one had ever done any link building for the medical spa.
The client was working with an SEO budget of around $1200/mo, which is below the industry average, but we felt that with smart use of time and budget, we could achieve our goals.
This was a slow win.
- We began by pruning content from the blog. Much of it was poorly written—which Google likely picked up on—and was likely impacting the website’s EEAT score.
- We consolidated several unnecessary pages—in one case, folding 4 different pages into one “about” page.
- We completely rewrote and optimized the “B” page (as well as the fillers and other injectables pages).
Work started in March 2021. We began seeing movement in August and September (almost 6 months later). We hit positions #1-#3 the following summer and the client began reporting a marked increase in new customers.